What's Happening at GBFEvents
Upcoming Events and Information at Grace Bible Fellowship
Sunday Evening Service
Study of III John
6 PM in the main auditorium
Biblical Counseling Class
Have you ever found yourself in a conversation wishing you could offer more than “It’ll be okay” or “I’ll pray for you”? Join us to learn how to provide meaningful, Scripture-based counsel that brings life-changing hope and power to real people with real problems.
This class is for everyone, not just aspiring counselors. Our goal is to become a church that practices Christ-centered biblical counseling in our everyday conversations.
Sundays 1/5/2025 to 3/30/2025 Noon to 1:30PM*
Signups in the lobby
Childcare Available**
Questions? Talk to Pastor Wes
*We’ll take a Sunday off each month for other things like Burning Questions, Membership Class
**Looking for trained volunteers from those who sign up to help provide childcare (1 or 2 times)
Please join us for prayer on Wednesday evenings on Zoom.
Log in information can be found in the weekly “Look What’s Happening GBF!” email.
Please join us for prayer for any amount of time you are able.
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study “Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts” by Nancy Guthrie begins on October 10, 2024, and goes through May 2, 2025. It will meet every other Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 am at Mary Pryor’s home in Brentwood. The study book is available on Amazon. RSVP to Mary to let her know if you can join us.
Hospitality Table
The hospitality needs your help! Donations are needed of individually wrapped nut free snacks with a long shelf-life. There will be a basket by the snack table where you can drop off your donated items. Suggestions include: gold fish, granola bars, z bars and apple sauce pouches. Please check labels to verify they are nut free.
Ministries and Contacts
Here is a list of our current ministries and contacts.
Please feel free to contact them for any questions that you have about their respective ministry.
- Children’s’ Ministry
- Nursery – Pam Shrout
- Preschool (ages 3-5) – Rebekah Froisland
- Children’s Learning Center/CLC – Scott Ritter and Julie Froisland
- VBS – Julie Froisland
- Facilities Ministry (Facilities and Lawn Care) – Don Flynn
- Finance Ministry – Dan Shumaker and Tim Nielsen
- Missions Ministry – Mike Shrout and Deepak Koilvaram
- Music/Sound Ministry – Wes Wade and Kristin Nielsen
- Technology Ministry (Livestream, Proclaim, Website, Social Media) – Wes Wade and Deepak Koilvaram
- Welcome Ministry
- Greeters – Scott Ritter
- Ushers – Thomas Bailey
- Hospitality – Maria Bolles
- Women’s Ministry – Nirupa Koilvaram
Online Giving Mobile App
You can download the Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or from Google Play.
From the app, you can make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving. Just select your fund and amount, enter a payment method, and complete the donation. You can also login on the web at Vanco Payments.
If you have questions or if you need assistance with the new mobile app, please stop by the church office or call us at 1-925-238-3880.
Pray for One Another
The Bible encourages us to pray for one another. We have a monthly prayer list in the Sunday bulletin with current prayer requests. Please use this to keep our body in prayer.
John 15:12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (ESV)
One way to show love to one another is to pray for them.
James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (ESV)
Operation Creekside
Resurrection Ministries & Operation Creekside are partnering together & we need your help to support our troops and share God’s love!
What? Opportunity to assemble and send quality care packages and share God’s love with the troops.
Why? To connect people to Christ like they have never been connected before. Support military troops & their families.
When? 1st Monday & 3rd Thursday of every month. 6:30-7:30PM
Where? Resurrection Ministries @ 1275 Fairview Ave. Brentwood, Ca 94513
Who? Everyone is invited & encouraged to be a part of this ministry.
Contact: Adrienne Lough @ Cell: 925-642-1696
How can you help?
- Pray over this ministry.
- Spread the word to your friends, family, and the community.
- Donate items for the care packs. (See items list)
- Donate dollars. Each box costs $20 to mail.
- Write cards and letters.
- Come down and join us as we pack and pray.
- Share contact information for active personnel & chaplains.
Sign up to receive our devotionals, pastor’s thoughts, sermon reflections, and other encouraging material in your e-mail inbox. You can sign up by clicking on the link we sent to your e-mail account or by clicking on the link on our Grace Bible Fellowship Facebook page.
Message on Giving
For a stirring message on giving, please watch The Blessings of Giving by Tim Keller video.
Cry Room
The Cry room is located upstairs on the east end of the building. You can see and hear the service from there if you need to get away with a crying baby or if you need a place to nurse. If you need anything or have suggestions for the cry room please let Mary Pryor or Jennelle Wade know what is needed.