I'm New Here

Get to Know Us


I’m new here! Well, welcome to Grace Bible Fellowship! We’re so glad you found us on the Web. We hope that you will be able to visit us in person!

Grace Bible Fellowship exists to be a Christ-treasuring community, formed and sent by the gospel, on mission to the world, through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God!

What to Expect on Sundays

If you decide to visit with us on a Sunday, here is some information that may help you better plan your visit.


Parking is available on both sides of the campus.

What to Wear

GBF has no specific dress code. On Sundays, you’ll see everything from jeans and t-shirts to suits and dresses.

Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are welcome in service, but please silence them before service begins.

The Services

We currently have two services one at 10 am on Sunday morning and one at 6 pm on Sunday evening.

For the Sunday morning service:

If you have children on Sunday mornings, there is childcare available during the service. We like to have the children in the worship center with us while we sing, so after the first two songs the children will be dismissed to their classrooms. Because we have various children’s ministries, sometimes knowing where to go may be a challenge at first. See one of our friendly greeters to assist you in finding classroom locations.

Our gathering begins with a reading from Scripture, followed by a couple of songs. There will be a 40-50 minute sermon followed by communion. We feel like communion as an ordinance is something that should be practiced weekly and we encourage all of those who profess faith in Christ to partake with us. You will also notice that our order of service may seem backwards to what you are used to. We view the singing aspect of the morning as a time to respond to the message heard from the word. So we have a time of singing before the sermon to prepare our hearts for the word, and a time of singing after the sermon to respond with worshipful praise.

The children will be dismissed from their classrooms after communion in order to come and sing with their parents.

For the Sunday evening service:

We currently do not have child care for this service, but you are more than welcome to bring your children with you to the service. Jesus loves children just as much as he does adults! We have crayons and coloring pages to occupy the kids during the service.

Opportunities to Get to Know People

There will be a time of fellowship after the gathering each Sunday morning. We invite you to please take this time to get to know us and enjoy some refreshments.

We also have Community Groups throughout the week where we continue our fellowship.

These are small groups of 8-15 people that meet in the homes of our church family throughout the week and are extremely helpful in developing friendships for receiving encouragement in the Word and support. If you would like to attend, please see the list of home fellowship group leaders, times, and locations in the bulletin.

Once again, we are glad that you were able to find us on the web. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to visit with us here at Grace Bible Fellowship. Please feel free to call us at (925) 238-3880 or email us at gracebf@gbfellowship.net.