Get to know our leadersPastors/Elders
The Chief Shepherd, Jesus, has vested the oversight in each of His local flocks in a plurality of men called elders, overseers, and pastors (all three terms refer to the same office). And this team of men (the team of elders) is responsible to lead, teach, guard, and pray for the local flock given to them. (See Acts 20:17-32; 1 Timothy 3:1-5; 5:17; Titus 1:5-11; 1 Peter 5:1-4.) Accordingly, Grace Bible Fellowship is an elder-led church. Our team of elders decides issues of general oversight (doctrine, vision, direction, leadership, staff, etc.). Deacons manage our mercy ministries, and other teams (missions, finance, facility, etc.) decide other issues (missions involvement and support, budget, facilities, etc.) all within the general oversight of the elders. However, we value the insight and maturity of the congregation. We do not want to make it difficult for the saints to follow the elders’ lead — that would not be spiritually profitable for the church (Hebrews 13:7, 17). So, the elders’ are open to the congregation’s input—many times their input is requested. Elders are servant-leaders, not self-willed tyrants (1 Peter 5:3). We do not have a Senior Pastor model, rather all the elders/pastors share the responsibility equally.
James Froisland
James came to Grace Bible Fellowship in 1996 with his wife Julie. Newly married, they immediately immersed themselves in outreach efforts and home group ministries. Captain James Froisland works full time for the San Jose Fire Department yet deliberately makes time for his wife and 8 children and the church body at GBF. James ministers the love and work of Christ to this flock as a consistent example of what it looks like to put the care and concerns of others before your own to the glory of God in his leadership. Pastor James loves in countless practical and fruitful ways that most of us may never even realize this side of heaven.
Deepak Koilvaram
Deepak came to Grace Bible Fellowship in 2017 with his wife Nirupa and 2 boys, Elijah and Ezra. Deepak works full-time as a Software Engineer. Deepak also serves on the missions team and helps with the audio/visual team. He and Nirupa enjoy hosting our missionaries when they come to visit us. Since 2019, Deepak has been part of the Timothy Program Training at GBF studying under Pastor Mike. Deepak was ordained by the leadership in July of 2022.
Mike Shrout
Pastor Mike has been with Grace Bible Fellowship since 1988. He retired from Chevron in January of 2015 and now actively oversees pastoral/leadership training and discipleship ministries at church. Over the years, his walk with God has refined his wisdom, knowledge and discernment pertaining to knowing, understanding and teaching the Scriptures. He and his wife Pam have been blessed with four children who are now grown children and three grandchildren. They love the fact that each of them has seen God at work in growing up at GBF.
Wes Wade
Staff Pastor/Elder
Staff Pastor/Elder
Wes has been with Grace Bible Fellowship since 1995. He moved west from Alabama as a child and has grown up with saints here ever since. He married his wife Jennelle in 2010 and God has blessed them with four children. Wes graduated Grace School of Theology and Ministry in 2012 with a B.A. in Biblical Studies, and The Cornerstone Seminary in 2015 with a M.Div. Wes was ordained by the leadership in July of 2016.
The Diaconate is a group of men (deacons) who have been appointed to oversee the ministry of mercy at Grace Bible Fellowship. The deacons are the official ministers of mercy in the local church. As such they administer care for those who find themselves in disadvantaged and difficult situations. They ensure that the practical and physical needs of persons in challenging circumstances are addressed in a compassionate and thoughtful manner. The principal duties of this biblical office are demonstrated in Acts 6:1-6 in the New Testament. Deacons are men (Acts 6:2-3; 1 Timothy 3:12) full of wisdom specially chosen from the congregation to minister in a watchful and loving manner (Acts 6:3-6).
Tim Nielsen
Tim came to GBF in 2005. He is married to his wife Kristen, and has two beautiful daughters. Tim is involved in just about every aspect of church life here at GBF, and is part of the reason we can keep the doors open. When it comes to service and leadership, Tim is the definition. His care for the flock at GBF is particularly demonstrated in his willingness to see people helped. Not only has Tim invested himself in the mercy ministries at the church, but he also pours himself into the junior highers. Some might say he fits in best with them, and many would agree! No doubt the next generation of people at GBF are already being impacted for Christ through Tim and his ministry to them.
Scott Ritter
Scott came to GBF in 2006 and shortly thereafter was married to his wife Carrie. Scott holds a B.A. in liberal studies from Point Loma Nazarene University, and a M.A. in specialized ministry with youth ministry focus from Western Seminary. Scott is a compassionate minister and servant in the truest sense of the words. His leadership is displayed in the way he cares for this flock with a group of men in oversight of the mercy ministries. He is naturally tuned in to the needs and concerns of others and by the power of Christ in him, moved to respond with mercy and care. He displays the humility and love of Christ for each member of the flock as a husband, a deacon, a home group leader and also as he serves the high school youth at GBF and reaches out to the larger youth community in overseeing the Deliverance Youth ministry. Hundreds of youth have been touched by the reality of Christ through Scott Ritter.
Ministry Heads
Dan Shumaker
Finance Committee
Finance Committee
Dan and his wife Ann came to GBF in 2000. Dan holds an A.A. degree in Public Speaking and a B.S. degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology. Dan took over the finance and book keeping at the church once our former book keeper, Linda Robinson, stepped down in December of 2004. Dan is involved in many different aspects of church life including both the Missions Team and the Sound Ministry on Sunday mornings. You’ll probably find Dan in the sound booth on a Sunday morning. If you are looking for something to talk about just mention pugs and you are sure to strike up a conversation!